Accomplish your writing goals

get It DONe with the writer’s moon program

You have an abundance of work to do, deadlines to meet, and little time to do it in. Obstacles continuously pop up. There’s overwhelm, fatigue, and burnout.

There are better ways to work. As a client of The Writer’s Moon, you’ll get the support and accountability you need, along with unique tips and tricks, to accomplish your writing goals.

Whether you’re working to get your sample chapters written for your book proposal, have an idea you’d like to make into a blog, book, series, or podcast, or even if you are in the middle of writing something and are feeling stuck or overwhelmed, I can help.

I am a writing coach and editor with over 15 years of experience in professional editing and writing. Work one-on-one with me and get support and guidance to fit your needs. I can help not only with development, mapping, editing, and style, but also help you to work with less effort, using the moon’s energy to harness your own ebbs and flows to get the most out of your time. Write your best work yet – more efficiently and more easily than ever before!

The Writer’s Moon program

There are readers out there waiting to read your work. You just need to get it done. Or started. Or get a book proposal completed so you can send your query letter, so you can get a publishing deal. Or have your manuscript edited. Whatever stage you’re in, you’ll get the guidance and support you need. We’ll decide together what plan is right for you. Options include editing, coaching and accountability, manuscript development, or a combination.

DEVELOPMENT; IDEAS; sounding board

One of my favorite parts of coaching is being a sounding board for writers and bouncing ideas around. It’s exciting to create a story and incredibly helpful to have someone to do that with. I assist writers by looking at theme, characters, plot, and tone, and help you figure out what’s working and what isn’t. I love helping writers define their goals for the book and get clarity on their characters and story.


It’s difficult to see your own work with a discerning eye. You’ve read it through, you know it, and the mind gets bored reading something it’s seen before. It’s impossible to catch every mistake yourself. I have experience in proofreading, copy editing, and developmental editing. Both fiction and non-fiction writing require a unique tone, a good cadence, and a powerful story arc. My creative writing background and degree have given me a base for knowing what good writing requires and how a story should flow. My 15+ years of editing experience has given me the tools and skills to be the best editor f or my clients. Email me at for a consultation to discuss your needs, timelines, and budget.

Accountability and the moon

This coaching program is unique in that we tailor it to fit your needs and your budget. Choose from options including daily check-ins, scheduled live calls, or scheduled meetings wherein we discuss your current work in progress. We also use the energy of the waxing and waning moon to harness your own creative energy, writing more efficiently and maximizing times of creative output. There are times of the year that are better for planting and others that are better for harvesting. Similarly, there are times of the moon cycle that are best for creation and production and others that are better for reviewing and revising. Learn more by scheduling a meeting today.

accomplish your goals

Whatever your writing goals are, I can help you to accomplish them. Schedule a meeting now so we can discuss your needs and your goals. I am skilled in story development, goal definition, and proofreading and editing. There has never been a better time to get that goal accomplished and get your writing out into the world. If you’re looking for an expert, look no further. If you’re looking for accountability that has some encouragement, too, you have come to the right place. Schedule a meeting now and get your writing in full gear. Go from Goal Set to Goal Accomplished in 30 days.